Help Pass Safety Bills

Join a Vision Zero Texas Legislative Leadership Team

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As a nonprofit public policy professional, there is nothing more rewarding or difficult than working with people who have lost loved ones to traffic crashes to bring change. As an average Texan who has lost people dear to me in traffic crashes, there is always more to do.

Jay Blazek Crossley

Executive Director | Farm&City

Since my nephew’s car crash in 2016, I’ve been working with a group of advocates. Doing this work is hard, but we feel that sharing our stories with these decision makers reminds them that every death is face and a family and helps them make better decisions that can help stop these deaths.

Kathy Sokolic

Chair | Central Texas Families for Safe Streets

You can support the Texas Vision Zero movement by donating

This movement is propelled by the passion of volunteers and average Texans who have suffered from traffic crashes. But how much we can achieve how quickly will be limited by the ability of our organizations

to work together to coordinate efforts, further research, and support Families for Safe Streets groups in this work. All those donating to support this work will receive a packet of postcards to contact your

representatives in Texas government. The links below will work soon, but you can donate here now:



Support the cause and receive your packet in the mail.

You’ll receive a packet of postcards on each of the Vision Zero Texas transportation safety bills to send your State

Senator and State Representative so you can tell them your story and ask they support safety legislation



Bumper Stickers

Really support the cause and receive a bumper sticker.

Along with your packet of postcards, you will receive a set of bumper stickers with Vision Zero transportation safety messages to

support legislation or help educate the public on our shared responsibility to end traffic deaths. You’ll receive enough stickers to share.




Go all in for Vision Zero and we’ll recognize you on social media

Along with your packet of postcards and bumper stickers, you can be recognized on social media for your support of the Texas

Vision Zero movement. Sharing your dedication to safe streets magnifies your contribution and spreads the movement to save lives. 


Donate is a project of Farm&City – a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to high quality urban and rural human habitat in Texas in perpetuity, and Central Texas Families for Safe Streets – an all volunteer coalition of victims and family members of victims of traffic violence, seeking to change the world so that other families do not have to suffer as they have.

Please contact with any questions.